Embracing Discretion - The Launch of a Black Stoma Bag (2025)

There is no way around it: getting a stoma changes a person's life. After surgery, there is typically an adjustment period during which the individual adapts to their new normal. During the adjustment period, it’s common to feel a lack of confidence. Having some control, even over seemingly insignificant things, like the color of one’s stoma bag, can help ease this transition. This is why Coloplast is expanding our product line to include a black ostomy bag.

Advantages of a black ostomy bag

The introduction of black stoma bags offers a discreet alternative to traditional colors and is designed to give you options. Here are some reasons why an individual may prefer a black ostomy bag:

Having a choice

Getting a stoma may not always be a choice, but the color of a stoma bag definitely can be. A lot of people express themselves through fashion choices.Choosing the right ostomy bag color for a specific person at a particular moment is just as personal as any other decision. Ostomy bag users often keep a variety of bag colors at home, allowing them to select one based on their mood, outfit, accessories, or planned activities for the day.

"So, the bag being in a choice of colors means that I could mix it up. I could go my normal kind of grey colour one day and I could go black the next day. I can change it depending on what I'm doing. And for me, the choice is great because, like I say, sometimes I like swimming and I like to like fly the flag and I like to sort of go with no top on". Ben - uses SenSura® Mio Convex Light

Black blends in

Black bags blend seamlessly with darker clothes, which makes them considerably less noticeable. Black is regarded as a classic, neutral and timeless color. Black also happens to be one of the most popular dress and underwear colors worldwide, so it’s only natural that people with ostomies would want to match their bags with their clothes.

"I have gotten on great with the grey but black is more for me. Like, I think it goes more with your clothes, it’s more appealing for a younger person. Gives me more confidence. I just think it's a massive game changer for younger people, especially". Marytn - uses SenSura® Mio Convex

Black fits a variety of activities

Black is appropriate for many situations and activities. It is a common color for formal and officelike clothes as well as outdoor gear, swimwear and workout clothes.

Darker colors are perceived as less "medical"

All colors can have a place in ostomy users' arsenal, since some bag colors blend better with lighter colored outfits and some with darker, but black is often seen as a less "clinical" color.

Feeling good in less clothes

Feeling comfortable and confident is key when being physically intimate. And choosing the right underwear, as well as the right stoma bag, can be important. Some users believe that black gives them more confidence in intimate situations. Black bags can blend seamlessly with dark underwear, and some people think they look less "medical".

Black is unisex

Black is popular with people independent of their gender.

At this moment, only the following stoma bag models are available in black color: SenSura® Mio 1-piece open and SenSura® Mio Convex 1-piece open. Check back soon &em; we are working on launching more stoma bag models in black.

Black provides more privacy

There’s nothing wrong with having a ostomy bag and some people take pride in showing theirs off, but some may still prefer to keep it private. Being discreet, a black bag may be less likely to provoke unwelcome questions. Similarly, being a less "medical" color, a black ostomy bag is less likely to be recognized as a stoma bag.

"...But even a new black bag. I think it's going to be massive for the wider younger audience. Like for instance, when you go swimming, it blends in with everything. You probably get less people looking at you. It's like a confidence thing. Like for younger people, I think it will be massive". Martyn - uses SenSura® Mio Convex

Discretion isn't just about color

Living with a stoma has its unique challenges, both social and emotional. A discreet and secure bag allows people to feel less defined by their stoma and go about their day with confidence.When it comes to ostomy bag discretion, there are three key priorities: ensuring the bag isn't visible, preventing any noise, and eliminating odors.

SenSura® Mio is based on BodyFit Technology®, which gives people more confidence because it ensures the ostomy barrier stays snugly and securely in place. There is significantly less leakage with SenSura® Mio compared to standard of care. To read more about BodyFit Technology®, follow this link.

SenSura® Mio is now available in black. SenSura® Mio in black is designed to be discrete under dark clothing. It is compact and is made of "quiet material".

SenSura® Mio provides discretion as the bag is designed to minimize visibility under clothes due to a low-cut top. When choosing an ostomy bag, it's important to not compromise on comfort. SenSura® Mio is made out of material that is comfortable to wear. In fact, it is the first bag made out of textile. It ensures low friction allowing clothes to fall freely over the bag.

Additionally, SenSura® Mio is water repellent when exposed to water. To learn more about how SenSura® Mio fits to your body, watch this video.

What colors can I get my ostomy bag in?

There are several color options available for ostomy bags, depending on the specific type of system you choose. SenSura® Mio currently comes in neutral grey and black. In the future, more SenSura® Mio ostomy bags will also be available in black.

Is there any difference in quality depending on color?

The color of an ostomy pouch shouldn’t affect its quality or performance. Manufacturers tend to prioritize functionality across all color options. The quality of an ostomy bag is determined by factors such as design and material rather than color.

Where can I purchase a black ostomy bag?

Depending on your location, you may be able to order a bag through your local Coloplast website or through one of our authorized retailers. For more information, please refer to your local Coloplast website.

What sizes/forms are available in black?

The following ostomy bags are currently available in black: SenSura® Mio 1-piece open and SenSura® Mio Convex 1-piece open. More options will become available in the future.

What to consider when choosing an ostomy bag

When selecting an ostomy bag, several important factors need to be taken into consideration to ensure optimal fit, comfort, functionality and appearance. Here are some tips that can help you find the best stoma appliance for you:

  1. The advice from your nurse
    Consult your healthcare provider and identify what you need from your appliance before you begin your search. If your body or your needs change, it is recommended that you consult your stoma nurse again to make an informed decision regarding switching to a different bag.

  2. Stoma size, shape and location
    You need an ostomy bag that matches the size and shape of your stoma as well as the area around your stoma to ensure a secure fit and proper seal. Proper sizing and fit are crucial for preventing leakage, discomfort and skin complications. Consult a healthcare professional if you’re unsure about what size and product to choose.

    You can also take advantage of BodyCheck, one of our ostomy self-assessment tools, to find a product that would best fit your body shape.

  3. Type of output
    The type of output one has depends mainly on the type of stoma, whether it’s colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy. Like traditional output, it can also be affected by diet, liquid intake, exercise and so on.

    The colon absorbs water from waste, so the consistency of stool will depend on how long it spent in the colon, which would depend on where the stoma is located: the further down the colon, the thicker the output will usually be.

    The output from a colostomy is usually fairly firm and a closed stoma bag is recommended. If the output is looser, users usually opt for a drainable ostomy bag as it can be emptied as often as necessary.

  4. Skin sensitivity
    Make sure to consider your skin type and any allergies and skin conditions when selecting the material of the stoma bag and adhesive. Some people may require hypoallergenic options to minimise irritation.

  5. Your lifestyle and activity level
    Consider your daily activities and how you spend most of your time to choose the most suitable ostomy bag. Whether you're a parent, a frequent traveler, or a sports enthusiast, there's an ostomy bag designed to meet your needs and preferences.

  6. Color preference
    While color may seem like a secondary consideration, it can impact self-esteem and confidence. Additionally, some colors may be more appropriate for specific situations and outfits. For example, a black ostomy bag may blend in better with a darker outfit. Some users, of course, may prefer to have access to a variety of colors so they have options.

Choosing an ostomy bag: Dos and Don'ts

With the right ostomy bag a user can feel confident and embrace life beyond their ostomy. These tips may be helpful when choosing the right product.


  1. Keep up-to-date with the most recent products and developments by doing desk research, keeping in touch with your healthcare provider and attending support groups.

  2. Explore different types of bags. Ostomy bags come in different shapes and sizes. Figure out what design best suits your needs.

  3. Examine product features such as filter systems and easy-to-use closures to enhance your daily comfort.

  4. Try free sample products! Take advantage of the free samples offered by Coloplast to test different ostomy bags and find the best fit for your needs.


  1. Rely on the experiences of a friend, relative, or online influencer, as they may have a different ostomy type and unique needs or lifestyle compared to yours.

  2. Choose a bag based solely on appearance or color. While bag aesthetics are certainly important, your comfort and safety are top priority.

  3. Overlook compatibility. Make sure your bag is compatible with any additional accessories or products you're using.

  4. Ignore lifestyle changes. Be mindful of any lifestyle factors that may impact your stoma, such as increased physical activity, becoming a parent or weight changes.

  5. Settle for leakage or discomfort. Remember nothing is set in stone and you can change your mind about the products you use at any point.

Find the right solution for you

Every body is different and no universal solution exists for all. Try BodyCheck, one of our ostomy self-assessment tools to find the best product for your needs and body shape. BodyCheck only takes 5 minutes to complete. Bodies change, so an appliance that once fit correctly may no longer do so. It's important to use the right appliance for your current body profile. Therefore, you may need to use BodyCheck more than once.

If you need additional help, you can always get in touch with our product specialists by calling this number: 1-855-385-3991.

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Embracing Discretion - The Launch of a Black Stoma Bag (2025)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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